The World Is Mine

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Lessons in Love

photos by c. dixon photos

It’s that time of the year again and like every other year, I couldn’t care less. Although most women LOVE Valentine’s Day, I might be the exception. Given my relationship status, single and dating, it’s not a day that is special or important to me. Even when I was in relationships, it was never a big deal. Don’t get me wrong, I love love. I’m a hopeless romantic. But should those feelings be relegated to one day a year? Nah.

Love is a beautiful and amazing thing. When it’s with the right person, it can be downright magical. I won’t lie, the feeling of loving and being loved romantically is something I covet. I’ve been technically single for almost 7 years. Yes, you read that correctly. Within that 7 years I’ve had a host of situtationships, meaningless flirtations, heartache, dope dates, companionship, and hopes that the best is yet to come. All of these experiences have taught me much about what love is, what it isn’t, and the importance of self-love.

Here are a few other things that I’ve learned. Compromise doesn’t mean losing yourself. Looks are great but what’s inside is more important. Know when to fight and when to walk away. Respect is just a minimum. Comparison is the thief of joy. Some things are best kept private and sacred. Honesty and selflessness are underrated. Intimacy has nothing to do with sex. Lip-service is like getting paid in gum when currency pays the bills. LOVE IS AN ACTION.The most important thing I’ve learned is that love is pure and some times, enigmatic.

What love lessons do you live by? Leave your comments below and don’t forget to share this post!

Happy Valentines Day to you and yours from The Style Accomplice.💋

Outfit Details Dress: Boohoo Shoes: Kenneth Cole Reaction from Nordstrom Rack Handbag: “Reburn” by Aldo