Date Night With Houston
/photos by c. dixon photos
I remember an episode of SATC where Carrie referred to New York City as her boyfriend. She was single and in a bit of a dating rut. Instead of sulking about her single status, she decided that she was going to ‘date’ NYC and explore their relationship. She started enjoying New York alone and everything that it had to offer. Much like Carrie being in NYC, I’ve been in Houston for a while. 10 years to be exact. I guess you can say that I’m an official Houstonian although I’ve felt like a native for years.
I can honestly say that Houston has given me some great memories and for that I am forever thankful. But over the past couple of years I’ve outgrown the city a bit. The reality is, as a single woman, it can be difficult to meet quality men here. It can be equally challenging not to fall into the ‘typical” Houston nightlife scene. You know what I mean. You go to the same clubs, same events, and see the same people week after week. Those things being considered, I decided to branch out and date my city.
Both Paintings on the right by Robert Mars
Exploring new places is a love of mine so on this evening, I got dressed up and headed out to places I hadn’t been before. I stumbled across the Laura Rathe Fine Art gallery and I was instantly drawn in. I’ve been saying for years how I wanted to try things like museums, art exhibits etc. The space was bright and filled with beautiful sculptures, oil & mix media paintings, as well as wall installations. I would definitely recommend visiting here if you are interested in investing in a unique piece of art or if you and your honey want to do something different before heading to dinner. The artwork will serve as a great conversation starter. The gallery is located at 1700 Post Oak Blvd., Houston, TX 77056.
Chrome Scuplture: Wide Open by Matt Devine
Dress: Boohoo | Jacket: Zara | Shoes: ASOS | Bag: Forever 21
A special thank you to Hannah Reuter, Director of the gallery, for allowing me to shoot in this amazing space. Check out their Instagram: @laurarathefineart